
Why see a naturopath?

The origins of naturopathy can be traced back over two thousand years to the time of Hippocrates. This Father of Modern Medicine believed that the human organism, with its body, mind and spirit is inextricably linked to the natural world, and with the right conditions, humans have the ability to regenerate and self-heal.

Naturopathic treatments can facilitate the healing of any number of health complaints, including chronic conditions such as allergies and digestive problems, hormonal imbalances and skin conditions, to acute life-threatening diseases. These treatments may either be in conjunction with other medical treatment or in many cases an alternative. In addition, many healthy people choose to see a naturopath on a regular basis as their primary care physician in order to maintain their health and wellbeing.

What you can expect

  • Prior to your appointment, a 5-page tick box questionnaire will need to be completed which will give Alicia a thorough understanding of how your body is functioning.
  • Alicia will read through your form and focus the appointment on your major concern. She will ask you questions about your diet and lifestyle as well as about some of your bodily functions.
  • Alicia will assess your pathology tests and possibly recommend further testing. She enjoys working closely with your doctor to assist you toward optimal health.
  • Alicia will advise you on your diet, lifestyle, supplements and possibly herbal medicine, tailored specifically for you.
  • The usual follow-up appointment is 2 weeks later (maximum) and this is where you tell Alicia how much better you are feeling and report any other health concerns. It is from here that we go deeper into your health and start to rebalance your body at a deeper cellular level.