Frequently Asked Questions

I have pathology and other tests at my disposal, it depends on the patients condition, desire and financial status whether we do specific tests.
The initial consultation for 75 minutes costs $337. The subsequent visits for 45 minutes cost $125 for children having a 30% reduced fee.
95% of clients notice a change within 3 days of their initial appointment.
Three consultations are expected within the first 6 weeks for most people. You may need more depending on your health complaints.
Changes often happen with our health; immune issues, common cold or flu, pregnancy, menopause, work stress… it’s great to have a Naturopath who you can trust to get you feeling great again and who already knows your health history. I enjoy training you in nutrition and lifestyle so that you are not completely reliant on me and you can continue to help yourself.
No, it depends on your condition and lifestyle. You may need to make some changes and I will work with you so that improving your health is virtually pain free.
This will depend on your health, diet and lifestyle. I have found that most people are deficient in something and they will need to have that replenished. I also see a great benefit in herbal medicine (with people who can stand the taste) and may prescribe a formula which is tailor made for you.